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What is InnoLink?

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen.

It is my pleasure to introduce you to InnoLink Corporation.
Our sole mission is to contribute to solving social problems around the world by connecting innovative seeds with appropriate markets and organizations. We are responsible for transferring the technologies of Japanese small and medium enterprises, especially start-ups, to developing countries in Asia and Africa, while introducing the world's best seeds to the Japanese market.
Through strong partnerships with companies, universities and research institutions, we provide customized support to help SMEs maximize their potential. Using our extensive global network, we provide solutions tailored to each company's specific needs, such as identifying market potential, finding the right partner and localizing production processes. To protect innovation, confidentiality is paramount and a transparent, tiered compensation system is in place.
InnoLink is not just a link between companies, but a bridge to the global marketplace. We always accompany our partners, build sincere relationships, share risks and face social challenges together in a spirit of coexistence and co-prosperity.
Join us in exploring new opportunities for international business development.


"Connecting knowledge to solve social problems".
This is our mission: to act as a bridge connecting people, technology, organizations, and all other forms of knowledge, and to help solve social issues in a variety of fields through this powerful collaboration. We are not just an intermediary in this ecosystem, we want to be a partner in the fight to increase happiness and reduce suffering.
Integrity is our code of conduct. In fulfilling our mission, we place integrity at the forefront of all our decisions and strive to be the most trusted partner in the world.


Focus on building an ecosystem that accelerates technology transfer and creates synergies. We will form strategic partnerships with companies that have innovative technologies and business models, laying the foundation for mutual growth by maximizing each other's strengths. Next, we will emphasize the effective management, utilization, and protection of intellectual property rights and actively use them as part of our strategy. We will also implement a comprehensive approach to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), including financing, technical assistance, and expanded market access. This will foster sustainable growth and innovation throughout the ecosystem.


We have adopted a matrix organizational structure that combines functional expertise with project-based teams. Under this structure, specialized teams are formed for technological innovation, intellectual property management, investment promotion, and technology transfer, with leaders assigned to each area to strengthen collaboration among the teams. While centralizing decision-making, it also allows for decentralized execution and enhances the organization's mobility. This structure allows for a fluid and flexible allocation of resources to different projects. It creates a culture of adaptability and collaboration, and ensures that the organizational structure is regularly reviewed and optimized according to market trends and organizational needs.

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